วันจันทร์ที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Articles 4: EFL Teachers’ Attitudes toward Using Computer Technology in English Language Teaching

EFL Teachers’ Attitudes toward Using Computer Technology in English Language Teaching

        This study investigates how teachers perceive the use of computer technology resources in English Language Teaching.
Aims of the study
     1. To define the teachers'attitude.
     2. To discuss the aspects of attitude.
     3. To explain teachers'attitude and computer technology                training.
     4. To elaborate teachers'attitude and computer technology               integration.
     5. To define teachers' attitudes and computer experience.
     6. To discuss teachers'attitudes and computer anxiety and              interest.
     7. To review teachers' attitudes and computer literacy.


In this paper, definition of teachers' attitudes, aspects of attitude, teachers' attitudes and computer technology training, teachers' attitudes and computer technology integration, teachers'attitudes and computer experience, teachers'attitudes and computer anxiety and interest, and teachers' attitudes and computer literacy are elaborated.

Definition of Teachers' Attitudes
" a relatively enduring organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavioural tendencies towards socially significant objects, groups, events or symbols"

Aspects of Attitude
Two core aspects characterise attitudes. First, "readiness for response" it is a preparation for behaviour, a predisposition to respond in a particular way to the attitude object.
The attitude object = things, people, places, ideas, actions, or situations. Second, "motivating" two active action expressed by Allport as "exerting a directive or dynamic influence.
All attitudes take a stance positive or negative.

Teachers' Attitudes and Computer Technology Training
Training can significantly impact the ways in which a teacher embraces technology tools in the classroom. Teacher must be given the opportunity to become acquainted with newly introduced technologies. Mcalister et al., (2005) more training and support in IT should be given to teachers. Jones (2002) argued that teachers need to become informed users of  technology and stressed the importance of technology training. 

 Teachers'Attitude and Computer Technology Integration

Positive attitudes toward technology integration enhance learning to use technologies in teaching and learning. Positive attitudes should be encouraged and developed

Negative attitudes among participants need to be valued and addressed.

Teachers' Attitudes and Computer Experience
Attitudes towards computers affect teachers' use of computers in the classroom and the likelihood of their benefiting from training. Positive attitude often encourage less technologically capable teachers to learn the skills necessary for the implementation of technology- based activities in the classroom.

Teachers'Attitudes and Computer Anxiety and Interest
Some teachers show little interest in using instructional technology, while others are obviously resistant to use. Some positively accept the concept, but feel somewhat bound by lack of training for effective integration.

Teachers' Attitudes and Computer Literacy
In Asan's (2003) showed that many teachers were not computer users and lacked a functional computer literacy background upon which to build new technology skills and also indicated that the use of computer and related technologies was not routine part of their teaching and learning environment. 

It is necessary to convince teachers of the usefulness and benefits of these resources in improving teaching and learning.
The innovation nature of technology, as continues to change and expand, will require teachers to adapt and change the way they approach teaching and learning.

